Showing posts with label Pharmacy guidelines. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Pharmacy guidelines. Show all posts

Friday, January 1, 2010

Pharmacy Student Survival Guide

The book every pharmacy students must own!
Pharmacy Student Survival Guide is a one-of-a-kind roadmap for excelling in pharmacy practice courses. A combination calculations, kinetics, drug information, medical terminology, and laboratory data book all in one, the Guide helps you organize case information, improve problem-solving skills, learn terminology, and impress faculty during rounds.
Pharmacy Student Survival Guide is presented in three sections that span the entire pharmacy curriculum:
Systems and Expectations covering ethics, communication, monitoring drug therapy, and regulatory agencies, Patient Care Tool Box covering medical terminology, pharmacokinetics, laboratory data, and physical assessment, Topics in Pharmacy Practice covering Drug Information and Drug Literature Evaluation, Community/Ambulatory Care, Institutional Pharmacy Practice, Public Health, Reducing Health Disparities Through Domestic and Global Outreach to the Undeserved, Valuable for both introductory and advanced practice course, Pharmacy Student Survival Guide is a book you will turn to throughout your entire pharmacy education.

Thursday, December 24, 2009


Our Student membership is an excellent opportunity to get inside information about the profession. Student members are guests of the association and as such the membership is free. Get the most up-to-date job postings, professional communications, special rates for our Annual Conference and more. Student memberships are available to pharmacy students registered at a post-secondary institution in Canada.

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This section provides complete information about Pharmaceutical colleges in Andhra Pradesh. It also provides the contact details of each and every Pharmaceutical institute in Andhra Pradesh. The best Pharmaceutical institutes in Andhra Pradesh are covered here. If any Pharmaceutical institute in Andhra Pradesh is missing in this list, kindly inform us using our Contact Form. Students studying in Pharmaceutical colleges in Andhra Pradesh can also write to us to give their reviews and feedback.

We have made the best efforts to provide accurate information on Andhra Pradesh Pharmaceutical colleges. This list of Pharmaceutical colleges in Andhra Pradesh is compiled from various authentic sources and hence can be relied upon. Still if there are any errors, please do let us know. Remember, www.Andhra Pradesheducation.net is your best source for all educational information in Andhra Pradesh.

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Guidance for the Implementation of a Quality Management System in Drug Testing Laboratories

Guidance for the Implementation of a Quality Management System in Drug Testing Laboratories

Offers guidance for the implementation of a quality management system in drug testing laboratories: a commitment to quality and continuous improvement.
The quality of analyses and results of drug analysis laboratories have significant implications for the justice system, law enforcement, crime prevention and health policy, as well as for the international harmonization and worldwide exchange and coordination of drug information and data. The document aims to provide guidance to deliver high quality in a forensic laboratory, use the appropriate techniques to find the "answers" and to improve it constantly. It is a "how to do document" and includes some areas that are not explicitly covered in depth by ISO 17025.

Good Pharmacovigilance Practice Guide

Good Pharmacovigilance Practice Guide

Pharmacovigilance is the science of collecting, monitoring, researching, assessing and evaluating information from healthcare providers and patients on the adverse effects of medications, biological products, herbalism and traditional medicines with a view to identifying new information about hazards associated with medicines and preventing harm to patients. Pharmacovigilance is particularly concerned with adverse drug reactions.The MHRA has identified a need for writing and publishing a guide to "Good Pharmacovigilance Practice". This text complements current legislation and guidance, and provides practical advice about achieving an appropriate system of pharmacovigilance.

GMP/ISO Quality Audit Manual for Healthcare Manufacturers and Their Suppliers, Sixth Edition, (Volume 2 - Regulations, Standards, and Guidelines)

GMP/ISO Quality Audit Manual for Healthcare Manufacturers and Their Suppliers, Sixth Edition, (Volume 2 - Regulations, Standards, and Guidelines)

Volume 2 of this set contains the full text of the FDA regulations, EC and IPEC guidelines, and ISO/BSI standards referenced in the checklists furnished in Volume I. The book is presented in an convenient, easy-to-read format, organized to provide fast access to the guidelines and regulations of interest.

GMP/ISO Quality Audit Manual for Healthcare Manufacturers and their Suppliers, Sixth Edition, (Volume 1 - With Checklis)

GMP/ISO Quality Audit Manual for Healthcare Manufacturers and their Suppliers, Sixth Edition, (Volume 1 - With Checklis)

Volume 1 of this three-part package provides a complete set of checklists for internal and contract device and drug manufacturers and developers, contract software developers, and suppliers of chemical, printed material, electronic component, and general supplies. It also includes a simulated QSIT audit, and a new-product market launch. All of these are referenced to the relevant relevant FDA regulations, EC and IPEC guidelines, and ISO/BSI standards. The text also explains various audit types, do's and don'ts for auditors, and guidance for audit preparation, performance, conclusion, report derivation, and follow up activities. A CD-ROM packaged with the book contains all of the checklists in a customizable electronic format.


Practical Design Control Implementation for Medical Devices

Practical Design Control Implementation for Medical Devices

Bringing together, for the first time, the concepts of design control and reliability engineering, Practical Design Control Implementation helps you face the challenge of designing and developing products that comply with regulatory requirements and fulfill customer expectations. Written with all levels of management and technical personnel in mind, the authors demonstrate how successful design control implementation can result in fewer customer complaints and medical device reports, more satisfied customers, and faster time-to-market. Part One focuses on the practical aspects of design control implementation for medical devices. The fundamental concepts of design control are not new. What is new is the adoption by the FDA of these principles and their consequent enforcement. Also new to the medical device industry are the different technical concepts, tools, and techniques necessary to implement design control. In this section, each chapter provides practical advice and insight on the required FDA design control elements. Part Two explores the reliability of medical devices and how design control can influence that reliability. The book presents easy to understand examples of typical product design and development phases with the corresponding reliability and risk analysis tools such as failure modes and effects analysis (FMEA), hazard analysis, reliability planning, reliability prediction, design verification, and validation. The authors discuss the inter-relatedness of reliability engineering and design control and apply the concept to medical device design. Providing common sense explanations and guidance, Practical Design Control Implementation helps readers successfully execute design control and reliability engineering procedures that not only meet the FDA guidelines but also meet or exceed customer expectations.

Principles and Practices of Method Validation Proceedings

Principles and Practices of Method Validation Proceedings

Principles and Practices of Method Validation is an overview of the most recent approaches used for method validation in cases when a large number of analytes are determined from a single aliquot and where a larege number of samples are to be analysed. Much of the content relates to the validation of new methods for pesticide residue analysis in foodstuffs and water but the principles can be applied to other similar fields of analysis. Different chromatographic methods are discussed, including estimation of various effects, eg. matrix-induced effects and the influence of the equipment set-up. The methods used for routine purposes and the validation of analytical data in the research and development environment are documented. The legislation covering the EU-Guidance on residue analytical methods, an extensive review of the existing in-house method validation documentation and guidelines for single-laboratory validation of analytical methods for trace-level concentrations of organic chemicals are also included. With contributions from experts in the field, any practising analyst dealing with method validation will find the examples presented in this book a useful source of technical information.

Data Monitoring in Clinical Trials: A Case Studies Approach

Data Monitoring in Clinical Trials: A Case Studies Approach

Randomized clinical trials are the gold standard for establishing many clinical practice guidelines and are central to evidence based medicine. Obtaining the best evidence through clinical trials must be done within the boundaries of rigorous science and ethical principles. One fundamental principle is that trials should not continue longer than necessary to reach their objectives. Therefore, trials must be monitored for recruitment progress, quality of data, adherence to patient care or prevention standards, and early evidence of benefit or harm. Frequently, a group of external experts, independent from the investigators and trial sponsor, is charged with this monitoring responsibility, especially for safety and early benefit. This group is referred to by various names, such as a data monitoring committee or a data and safety monitoring board. This book, through a series of case studies presented by many distinguished clinical trial experts, illustrates the complexity of this monitoring process. The editors provide an overview of the process and a summary of a multitude of the lessons learned from the cases presented.

This book should be useful to anyone serving on a data and safety monitoring board, or planning to do so, for colleagues in academia, industry and governmental agencies, and for teaching students in biostatistics, epidemiology, clinical trials and medical ethics. No other text has as extensive a collection of cases which provide insight into the many issues, often conflicting, that must be examined before recommendations to continue or discontinue a trial can be made. While depth in statistical methods is not required, some familiarity with statistical design and analysis issues in clinical trials is helpful. The cases cover trials which were terminated early for convincing evidence of benefit, or for harmful effects. Cases with complex issues are also included. This series of cases should provide broad background information for potential monitoring committee members and better prepare them for the challenges that may exist in the trials for which they are responsible.

The three editors have contributed two overview chapters as well as several case studies to go along with cases contributed by a distinguished group of colleagues experienced in the design, monitoring and analysis of clinical trials. Dr. David DeMets is currently Professor and Chair, Department of Biostatistics and Medical Informatics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. He is past president of the Eastern North American Region (ENAR) of the International Biometric Society, a past member of the Board of Directors of the American Statistical Association and an elected Fellow. He recently received the Robert Gordon Lectureship Award, given by the National Institutes of Health, for significant contributions to the field of clinical trials. Dr. Curt Furberg, is currently Professor (and former Chair) of the Department of Public Health Sciences at Wake Forest University. Previously, he was Head of the Clinical Trials Branch and Associate Director of the Clinical Applications and Prevention Program at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Dr. Lawrence Friedman is a former Director of the Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications and a former Assistant Director for Ethics and Clinical Research at the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. All three are past presidents of the Society of Clinical Trials. The editors have collaborated previously as coauthors of a text: the Fundamentals of Clinical Trials.

Managing Relationships with Industry: A Physician's Compliance Manual

Managing Relationships with Industry: A Physician's Compliance Manual

Physicians in academic and private practice settings are increasingly engaged in collaborations and encounters with employees and contractors from the research and marketing arms of pharmaceutical and device companies. These activities are numerous and range from consulting and conducting research, to giving talks, meeting with sales representatives, to interfacing with industry on behalf of foundations and professional societies.

The primary aim of this book is to educate physicians about the rules, regulations, and guidlines relevant to and the potential pitfalls of collaborating with industry so that physicians may enter into allowable relationships with industry with the knowledge necessary to mitigate the possible legal risks.

* Will help physicians stay abreast of the new rules for continuing medical education (CME)
* Addresses the increasing amount of international commercial, academic and clinical collaboration
* Discusses the growing and accelerating regulatory environment that defines the scope and boundaries of physician-industry relationships

Technology Transfer: A Practical Guide

Technology Transfer: A Practical Guide

There can be few pharmaceutical companies over the last 15 years that have not undergone the maelstrom of take-overs, mergers, downsizing, centres of excellence or product rationalisation. All these events can, and frequently do, result in product or products being transferred between manufacturing sites. At best it will be a product or product type that the receiving site is familiar with, or at worst, one with which they are totally unfamiliar.
The challenges to effect technology transfer in a timely fashion, within budget and achieving savings that have probably been pre-commirted, at the requisite quality are approximately the same for each aspect. This guide provides a "ready reckoner" of the issues to be considered to achieve these objectives, ensuring that the regulatory issues from both a licensing and inspection
perspective are addressed, and maintaining the organisation's integrity for its products and with its shareholders. In considering the technology transfer process reference is made to the situation within the European Union (EU) in the main; however, where useful guides or proposals are available from other regulatory authorities, notably the FDA, these have been included for completeness.

Good Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Practice: Rationale and Compliance

Good Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Practice: Rationale and Compliance

With over twenty different official regulatory statements worldwide on Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) for pharmaceutical, drug, or medicinal products, two stand out as being the most influential and most frequently referenced. Bridging the gap between U.S. regulations and European Good Manufacturing Practice guidelines, Good Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Practice: Rationale and Compliance gleans the most important substance from the U.S. Current Good Manufacturing Practice, parts 210 and 211 (US cGMPs, 2002) and the European Guide to Good Manufacturing Practice for Medicinal Products for Human and Veterinary Use (EU GMP guide, 2002). The author uses his 40+ years of experience in technical management, production, quality assurance, and distribution within the pharmaceutical industry, offering a hands-on guide to better understand and implement optimal pharmaceutical practices. This book also compares the principle requirements of GMP, and explores the reasoning behind these requirements and ways to comply with them. Relevant topics include personnel, documentation, premises and equipment, production, quality control, self-inspection, recalls, and more. This is an essential guidebook for those who wish to expand their pharmaceutical business in any international capacity.

All ICH Guidelines

All ICH Guidelines

The International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use (ICH) is a unique project that brings together the regulatory authorities of Europe, Japan and the United States and experts from the pharmaceutical industry in the three regions to discuss scientific and technical aspects of product registration.
The purpose is to make recommendations on ways to achieve greater harmonisation in the interpretation and application of technical guidelines and requirements for product registration in order to reduce or obviate the need to duplicate the testing carried out during the research and development of new medicines.