Friday, December 25, 2009

The greenest machine in pharmacy prescription automationT

Pharmacy Automation Systems has what might be the absolute most “Green Friendly” Pharmacy prescription-dispensing system in the world. A pharmacy using a UPS (battery backup) with any PAS system will be able to complete any prescription being dispensed even if power is lost. PAS does not guarantee that a pharmacy can continue using the system on battery backup after completion of that script but one pharmacist did tell PAS that he was able to continue dispensing meds for about 15 minutes on battery backup after power was lost.

When you add the ability of being able to dispense on battery backup to the benefit of being the lowest cost automation system on the market, you have the best of both low tangible and low intangible cost resulting in extremely fast ROI. PAS systems plug into any 110Volt/10Amp outlets and use less than 2 amps in normal operation.

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