Handbook of Steel ConstructionHandbook of Steel Construction 9th Edition 2nd Revised Printing 2006 REVISIONS Intended for users of the Handbook 9th Edition 1st printing the following replacement pages contain the revisions appearing in the 2nd revised printing Most of the changes occur in Part 1 CAN CSA S16 01 Limit States Design of Steel Structures due to the incorporation of CSA Update 3 August 2006 CISC January 2007 PART ONE CAN CSA S16 01 LIMIT STATES DESIGN OF STEEL STRUCTURES Including S16S1 05 Supplement 1 General This Standard is reprinted with the permission of the Canadian Standards Association and contains all supplements errata and revisions issued at time of printing The reprint is of the CSA publication titled CAN CSA S16 01 CONSOLIDATION It consists of the CSA standard CAN CSA S16 01 Limit States Design of Steel Structures along with S16S1 05 Supplement 1 to CAN CSA S16 01 and replacement pages issued June 2003 December 2003 and August 2006 as Update 1 Update 2 and Update 3 to CAN Continue to download »